Tuesday, June 23, 2020

How to Ask Why You Didnt Get the Job

Step by step instructions to Ask Why You Didn't Get the Job Step by step instructions to Ask Why You Didn't Get the Job Occupation searchers are frequently inquisitive why they werent chose for a vocation, yet it tends to be elusive out why another applicant was picked over you. Bosses normally wont share a lot, assuming any, important input with competitors, particularly on the off chance that they are frightful of suit. Occupation up-and-comers can and do document business separation claims with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) against bosses who dismissed them, frequently asserting that they weren't recruited in light of their sexual orientation, race, an inability, or their religion. In this way, numerous organizations are careful about sharing criticism in regards to fruitless meetings. A solicitation for data conveyed in a manner which seems to scrutinize the legitimacy of their recruiting choices will just serve to shut down all correspondence. All things considered, you don't have anything to lose in deliberately requesting criticism. Most dire outcome imaginable, the business wont react. Ideally, you may get data to help improve your odds of getting recruited next time around â€" regardless of whether by this business (should a suitable occupation open later on) or by another. The most effective method to Ask Why You Weren't Hired Every so often, bosses will share some criticism with candidates who speak to an authentic enthusiasm for improving their pursuit of employment correspondences. Youll have better karma in the event that you dont ask legitimately for what good reason you werent employed. Rather, outline some particular inquiries for information, for example, Did you recognize any key capabilities for this activity which were absent in my background?Do you have any proposals in regards to how I may enhance my resume and spread letter?Did you feel like my activity references could have been more grounded? Businesses are commonly bound to share input verbally than by means of email because of worries that any composed reaction might be utilized as proof against them if a recruiting choice were to be lawfully challenged. One approach to get criticism is to start a discussion by sending a short email or LinkedIn message asking on the off chance that you could chat on the telephone to get some useful contribution to upgrade your aptitudes. Test Email Message Asking for Employer Feedback Subject: Marketing Assistant PositionDear Ms./Mr. LastName,Thank you for setting aside the effort to talk with me for the Marketing Assistant situation on [Insert Date]. I valued the chance to talk about the activity with you. I additionally value you telling me that I wasnt chose for this position.Because I regard your HR aptitude and the polished methodology you exhibited during our meeting, I might want to solicit some help from you. Okay be accessible for an exceptionally short call to talk about how I could enhance my application for business? Any input you could share would be welcomed.Again, thank you for your time and consideration.Best regards,FirstName LastNamePhoneEmailLinkedIn Grow What to Do in case You're Granted a Feedback Interview On the off chance that your questioner consents to talk about your ineffective meeting with you, at that point celebrate! This won't just be an open door for you to pick up input yet may even assistance you to establish a last positive connection that may make the way for possible work with the organization should a proper position open later on. You'll have to get ready previously with the goal that you can keep the discussion as brief and to-the-point as could reasonably be expected. As referenced over, the inquiries you pose ought to be surrounded with the goal that they essentially request guidance for the future; they shouldn't get some information about your presentation in the meeting itself. Start your telephone discussion by earnestly expressing gratitude toward the questioner for their time, at that point offer conversation starters like the accompanying. In the event that conceivable, attempt to reaffirm your enthusiasm for the business: On the off chance that for reasons unknown your fresh recruit didn't work out and you revived this situation later on, which advertising or individual aptitudes do you figure I ought to fortify so as to be rethought for the job?Do you have any tips on how I could have better inquired about your organization before our interview?Is there any exhortation which you may provide me so as to improve my talking style? Close the discussion by saying thanks to the questioner by and by for their time and, if their input has been generally positive, by communicating your expectation that they will think about you for a future position.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Applying for the NHS Scientist Training Programme in 2019 University of Manchester Careers Blog

Applying for the NHS Scientist Training Programme in 2019 STP 2019 now open for applications from Wednesday 9th January at 1pm Friday 8th February at 5pm. The NHS Scientist Training Programme (STP) is open for applications for September 2019.   Thousands of scientists and engineers of all disciplines work for the NHS, and the STP is how they recruit most of their Clinical Science trainees each year. Many Manchester students and postgrads apply to the STP, so we update this blog post each year to help you navigate the process (well also update it when there is new information to share with you). N.B. Some of the resources mentioned in this post may only be accessible by University of Manchester students. If you are not a Manchester student, have a chat with your own Careers Service about the support available to you. Tips for applying   You have until 5pm on Friday 8th February at the latest to submit your online application and (for anyone who isn’t an in-service applicant) until 5pm on Monday 11th February to complete the online tests.   Submit your application well in advance of the deadline: if you experience any last minute hiccups with your application or the tests, they cannot guarantee to deal with queries in the final 48 hours before each deadline. The National School of Healthcare Science website has so much information for applicants it can be overwhelming â€" however, if you want the best chance of getting into these super-competitive posts, you’ll hoover it all up and use the advice in your application. A good place to start is by reading the STP Frequently Asked Questions for Applicants 2019.   Read the job description and person spec to get an overview of the role, then thoroughly research the specialism you plan to apply for e.g. check out the relevant professional body for each specialism. The list of STP specialisms by location will be updated throughout the application window, and for 2019 includes 31 specialisms (new ones for 2019 in bold below, northwest includes Liverpool and Lancashire by the way). Each specialism has a different number of vacancies and the list is usually updated several times during the application window (theyre already on version 6.0).   You’ll have to inspect each specialism individually, but as you are encouraged to focus your application on your chosen specialism and not the region, it does make sense: they want to see some focus! Manchester Academy for Healthcare Science Education (or MAHSE) held an STP open day on the 8th January: if you missed it, the main talks were podcast and included some really useful tips! (Well add in the link here when they go online) NB. Scotland recruit their STP trainees separately and take on about 20 annually.   These will be advertised later this year. Keep an eye on their website for details.   Also, last time NHS Wales advertised STP vacancies in March 2018 on the NHS jobs website.   Thats not to say theyll do the same this year, though We have been told previously that only 3 candidates are interviewed per post, so the competition is red hot.   You’ll therefore need some great answers to the essay questions:     set aside some time to do your research, reflect on your experience and craft your answers â€" do yourself justice here. Online application form The online application form is near on identical to last year, so if you applied last year, you know what to expect. Frustratingly, there is still no easy way to preview all the questions before you start to fill it out so weve had a sneaky peek for you. As you go through the online form for the first time, you can’t advance on to the next page without completing the mandatory sections. However, you can review and change most of the answers once you get to the end â€" just don’t press “Submit” until AFTER you have filled it all in and checked it thoroughly! There are lots of mandatory sections, and once you fill in some answers, other mandatory questions may appear.   Be prepared to answer A LOT of questions about eligibility, fitness to practise etc before you even get to the bit where you fill in your education.   You also need to supply the details of three referees, one of whom must be your most recent education supervisor (or line manager, if you have graduated and are in work). When your application form is read by the people who will shortlist candidates for interview, they wont be able to see the choices that candidates have made. Hence, if you choose two different specialisms your application will go to both short listing panels, who will not know if you have ranked that specialism as first or second choice. They also will not see any candidate names â€" it is done completely blind. Essay questions The form asks the same four questions as last year and, again, you are allowed a maximum of 250 words per answer. An implicit test here is whether you can write accurately AND concisely. YOUR KNOWLEDGE, MOTIVATION AND COMMITMENT TO THE TRAINING PROGRAMME In less than 250 words, please state why you have applied for the Healthcare Scientist Training Programme. Give details of your motivation, suitability and future career development or aspirations. Describe what actions you have undertaken to increase your knowledge, experience and understanding of healthcare science and the training programme for your chosen specialism(s). YOUR COMMITMENT TO HEALTHCARE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY In less than 250 words, please describe your commitment, interest and enjoyment of scientific practice and technology. Please provide examples of how you seek to develop, improve and adopt innovative processes in your work or studies. VALUES AND BEHAVIOURS The NHS Constitution* values and behaviours are paramount to the delivery of healthcare services.   In less than 250 words please describe how within your own experience you would display these qualities. (*Have you read it yet? You really need to! You can find it here.   We also suggest you check out the NHS Long Term Plan too as this may help inform your other answers) TEAM WORKING AND LEADERSHIP In less than 250 words describe occasions where you have worked as part of a team and outline the skills you used to benefit the outputs of that team. Also, please describe a situation or situations when you have taken the opportunity to lead others and identify how you managed any challenges that arose.   (Important: they are looking for scientific leaders, not practioners). There’s help on completing application forms on our website, including a useful hand-out. We definitely recommend taking the Context-Action-Result approach to structure your answers, to help keep them concise. Always take time to proof read your answers before you submit them (a good tip is to read through them backwards to spot typos). University of Manchester students and recent graduates can get assistance from the Applications Advice service in the Atrium in University Place and also look out for Appointments in your School. Online tests After you submit your online application, you have two tests to complete before the deadline, and you have to get through each of these for your application to be considered. The tests are numerical reasoning and logical reasoning, and you can practise here. We guess they’re using logical reasoning tests to find people who are good at spotting patterns and trends (useful for diagnostics) as well as deductive logic. These tests can be very challenging if youre not familiar with them, so do take time to practice, especially as only one attempt is permitted per email address!  Previous applicants tell us that with practice you can learn how to answer the logical reasoning questions accurately, so it is worth working your way through example tests.   Although they are multiple choice, in some cases you have to choose from a LONG list of possible answers guessing will NOT be a sensible strategy!! You might also want to check out the psychometric test info on our website, including practice test materials. In particular, try Graduates First which provides worked solutions for the answers you get wrong in its tests. We’d definitely suggest using a proper calculator when completing the numerical reasoning test and not the one on your   phone. You’ll be able to do the STP tests at any time until the closing date but don’t leave it until the last minute: what if your Wifi fails or the site crashes with the traffic of all the last minute tests being taken? If you have a disability or a condition like dyslexia, you can request extra time to complete these tests. Youll need to send evidence to support your request   at least 3 working days before the aptitude tests deadline date i.e. before Wednesday 6th February!   If you fail to notify the team before the deadline date, you may not be granted the extra time you need. See Step 5 on the NSHCS Applying to the progamme page FAQs about psychometric tests on the Careers Service website Being optimistic If youre one of the lucky ones who gets invited to interview, you might want to check out the interview dates for your specialism and keep the date free looks like theres no flexibility, so move heaven and earth to get there if you are invited. Interview support for Manchester students and recent graduates Being pragmatic Manchester students and graduates have been successful in the past but the number of applicants far outstrips the places available.   Every year, highly qualified and experienced candidates dont get through, so dont beat yourself up if your application is rejected.   Ensure you have a fall-back option in place.   Make an appointment with a careers consultant if you are not sure where to start. STP Interviews The STP uses the Multiple Mini Interview format and has done for some time. There are 4 stations; with c4 questions at each station; 10 minutes per station and 2-minute rest in between each station.   However, this year there are some changes to the station themes. (We will share any updates with you as they come to light, so this still could change and is for guidance only). 1: General Science station Tip: read up on recent scientific news articles; subscribe to journals or scientific blogs; listen to podcasts and revise research methods. 2 and 3: Specialism Specific stations NEW   there will be TWO specialist stations this time!   You need to understand the role you would be going into; to look at the curricula for your specialism on the NSHCS website and demonstrate motivation and passion for the specialism you have chosen. Having awareness of the following may be helpful: Scientific basis of techniques/procedures Diseases and health conditions What are the current developments, topical issues? 4: Values and Behaviour and Leadership and Management station NEW we understand that the 4th station will  cover all these areas. You MUST read the NHS constitution and have examples to demonstrate each value from your experience (improving lives; compassion; everyone counts; respect and dignity; commitment to quality of care; and working together for patients). Note: These examples do not have to be patient focused! You can use examples from University projects or work experience.   The following examples may help you to understand the context and think about how to demonstrate the NHS values: How would you explain the scientific aspects of your work- for example interpret test results- to an anxious patient, who has no background in science, on a busy ward? Improving Lives is a NHS value that emphasises a core function of the NHS and innovation is central to improvement. The role of clinical science is to improve patient outcomes by developing new and existing tests. How would you answer Tell me about a time when you have found a new way to approach a task or made a suggestion that improved practice? What are your expectations from the STP? You need to prepare examples to fit with the characteristics of leadership and management (empathy; consistency; communication; flexibility; direction; honesty and conviction): http://www.leadership-toolbox.com/characteristic-of-leadership.html.  For most specialisms, teamwork is very important, and as such, preparing examples of how to work well within a multidisciplinary healthcare team would be very helpful. Good luck we are rooting for you! All Applications and interviews Undergraduate-highlighted applications Applications and interviews careers Life sciences NHS scientific work

Friday, June 12, 2020

Military Medical PULHES Grading System

Military Medical PULHES Grading System Military Medical PULHES Grading System To decide whether a select is qualified for administration, a progression of clinical physical checks are required. These clinical checks are reviewed utilizing what is known as the PULHES Factor. PULHES is an abbreviation that represents the accompanying: P - Physical limit/staminaU - Upper bodyL - Lower bodyH - HearingE - EyesS - Stability/mental All occupations have explicit norms and after entering the military the enlist will likewise be given a numerical evaluation of 1, 2, 3, or 4 for every component of the PULHES abbreviation framework. Physical Profile Serial System The physical profile sequential framework is made around the different military obligations and give a numerical standard that a clinical specialist suggests during the normal select physical. These physicals depend endless supply of the body framework functions. Great care is given to executing a clinical utilitarian evaluation as these evaluations are an investigation of the person's clinical, physical, and mental status. Heres an increasingly point by point breakdown of the Armys PULHES framework: P - Physical limit or stamina. The P in PULHES is a general investigation of the body and its living frameworks (heart, lungs, assimilation, regenerative, focal sensory system, and hormonal). Basic maladies of any of these frameworks originating from healthful inadequacies, blood ailments, sensitivities, bosoms, delicate or hard tissues too fall under the physical limit or endurance element.U - Upper extremities. The U in PULHES is centered around the chest area checking for any shortcoming, lacking full scope of movement, and general insufficiencies with development. L - Lower extremities. The L in PULHES concerns the lower body from the lower back and hips associations (bones, muscle, delicate tissue) to the feet and toes checking for any shortcoming, without a full scope of movement, and general insufficiencies with movement. H - Hearing and ears. The H is PULHES is centered around hearing and any ailments of the ear. E - Eyes. The E in PULHES concerns the enlisted people capacity to see to a specific norm and ready to see red/green shading contrasts just as sicknesses and imperfections of the eye. S - Stability/Psychiatric. The S in PULHES concerns character, enthusiastic strength, and mental sicknesses. How PULHES Are Graded (Numerical Values 1,2,3,4,) Concerning the numerical assignments, the PULHES reviews commonly mean a military medical assessment of numbers one through four: An individual having a numerical assignment of 1 under all components is considered to have a significant level of clinical wellness. A main in all classifications implies that individuals completely ?qualify and will require no clinical waivers. A physical profile assignment of 2 under any or all components shows that an individual has some ailment or physical imperfection that may require some movement impediments. There are numerous occupations still accessible in the military for individuals who don't consummately truly/therapeutically fit the bill for exhausting obligation. A profile containing at least one numerical assignments of 3 means that the individual has at least one ailments or physical imperfections that may require critical impediments. For those applying for military assistance, this assignment is typically a preclusion. For people as of now in the administration, similar to amputees or seizure patients, they may even now have the option to remain in the military, yet restricted in what obligations they can perform.A profile sequential containing at least one numerical assignments of 4 demonstrates that the individual has at least one ailments or physical deformities of such seriousness that the exhibition of military obligation must be definitely constrained. This estimation of four (4) is a disqualifier for both entering the military, and for proceeded with military assistance, if as of now in the military. How the Grading System Works For instance, if a military activity requires a sequential profile of 123123, that implies, so as to fit the bill for that activity, an individual would need to be restoratively evaluated the following:P - 1 in the zone of physical limit or staminaU - 2 in the zone of upper extremitiesL - 3 in the area of lower extremitiesH - 1 in the zone of hearing and earsE - 2 in the zone of eyes and visual acuityS - 3 in the zone of dependability/psychiatry

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

How to Get Out of Your Mid-Career Slump

Step by step instructions to Get Out of Your Mid-Career Slump Step by step instructions to Get Out of Your Mid-Career Slump 14 The best way to accomplish extraordinary work is to adore what you do. On the off chance that you haven't discovered it yet, continue looking. Try not to settle. - Steve Jobs That regularly rehashed quote from the Apple fellow benefactor, taken from a discourse he provided for the graduating class at Stanford University, extends to incredible employment opportunity scan guidance for individuals who are simply beginning in their vocations. However, dont settle may reverberate considerably more significantly for mid-profession work searchers who have been working on their vocation for quite a long time and still feel unsatisfied. Not settling doesn't really mean holding out until you secure your total dream position. That is ridiculous. Rather, it might be an issue of finding work that doesn't leave you drained toward the finish of your workday and feeling fear about the workday to come. It likewise may mean making sense of whether youve fallen into vocation carelessness and are settling grinding away. Heres how to get persuaded and escape a mid-profession droop in the event that you feel you've settled in your vocation: Utilize momentary occupations to get to your profession objectives. Taking a placeholder employment can be a method of building your resume and your certainty while you keep searching for increasingly significant work. It might appear to be opposing, however settling in the present moment can be a scaffold to something better not far off. Adaptable occupations, brief employments, and regular occupations offer extraordinary open doors for a check and an approach to test the activity showcase while investigating new vocation roads. Be proactive in your pursuit of employment to dodge pressure and remain solid. Being despondent at your particular employment can have a staggering effect on your wellbeing. Choosing to wait in work that worries you, instead of taking a proactive position and scanning for something better, can have enduring and hindering results. Make a lifelong vision to remain persuaded. Weve most likely completely been posed the inquiry in prospective employee meet-ups: Where do you see yourself in five years? In the event that youre sapped of desire and hindered in your present place of employment, you might be constraining your perspective on where you can go in your vocation. Keeping up a vocation vision can assist you with keeping your pursuit of employment invigorated. Set your own desires at work. Organizations dont settle for less when they set out to enlist another representative. For what reason would it be a good idea for you to scam yourself throughout your profession by managing with work that doesnt fulfill you? Dont let others set your objectives for you-set your own motivation! Perusers, have you encountered the mid-vocation droop? How would you abstain from making due with less in your profession, and what keeps your pursuit of employment empowered?

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Resume Writing for Cashier Duties - Is it a Scam?

<h1>Resume Writing for Cashier Duties - Is it a Scam? </h1> <p>You're a bookkeeper since you monitor the cash. If so, you'll need an extraordinary clerk continue depiction. Numerous special individuals can fill in as clerks, which is the motivation behind why it is critical that your resume sticks out. On the off chance that you really need your clerk resume to remain over the rest you need to comprehend what the rest are doing. </p> <p>Customers may have questions or grumblings. Clerks can be at risk for some, undertakings, in light of the substance of their manager. Many individuals looking for positions as they feel that they should simply round out a brisk application provided by the organization and get recruited right away. </p> <p>What The Cashier Resume Objective Should Tell Prospective Employers A clerk can perform numerous unmistakable occupations in their work environment, implying that the position needs a wide range of aptitudes. Correspondence and PC dealing with aptitudes are additionally somewhat significant concerning clerk continue. Clerk is a magnificent section level occupation, chances are you have numerous openings in your district. Extraordinary clerk continue aptitudes should be placed in their own one of a kind segment close to the base of your record. </p> <h2>How to Choose Resume Writing for Cashier Duties </h2> <p>The perfect approach to get a generally excellent clerk continue is inquiring about the work depiction. Astounding karma, and reveal to us whether our comprehensive clerk continue manage makes it conceivable to land the vocation you had always wanted! You should focus on the work advertisement. At the point when you're hoping to get up a vocation in a trustworthy business house you will need to get a nitty gritty resume. </p> <p>Hiring supervisors need to discover people with solid relational capacities, and uncovering somewhat more data could tak e your resume to the front of the heap. Significant aptitudes should be sponsored by further information in the resume. In any case, it will assist you with making sense of in case you're feeling the loss of any fundamental abilities that spotters are scanning for. </p>

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Can Tattoos Still Keep You From Getting A Job

Would tattoos be able to Still Keep You From Getting A Job Envision that youre a recruiting director. Youre leading meetings, and in the wake of checking on the resume of your next competitor, youre feeling truly eager to meet her. On paper, she appears to have all the fundamental experience and skills.Then, your office entryway opens and in strolls a lady with obvious tattoos and pink hair.Whats your initial introduction? Is it accurate to say that you are out of nowhere less keen on employing her? Odds are, your age impacts the manner in which you answer these inquiries. Without a doubt, our most recent research found that more youthful employing experts are increasingly open to recruiting ladies with less ordinary appearances.In our overview, we indicated employing chiefs pictures of 15 diverse expert ladies. These womens appearances changed in their clothing, hairdo, age, body size, and race. We at that point solicited members to share their appraisals from the competitors. All in all, we found that more youthful respondents were substan tially more tolerating of the lady with noticeable tattoos than their more established friends. This is, obviously, incredible news for proficient ladies who dont have a fundamentally cutout look, and focuses to the expectation that old inclinations might be getting less important as twenty to thirty year olds and those after them assume control over initiative positions.And it isnt just work environment predispositions against tattoos that, on account of recent college grads, might be lifting. Heres a glance at what our information revealed:Older women(Photo credit: AdobeStock/Andrey Popov)If youre over a particular age and have ever attempted a lifelong change, you know its troublesome, as individuals will in general feel progressively energetic toward youthful ability. Employing directors who are more established themselves, however, more than likely dont get tied up with this equivalent inclination toward develop work searchers. Correct? Strangely, our examination found that thi s isnt consistently the case.The study incorporated a picture of a more seasoned lady with silver hair (above). Shockingly, employing experts between ages 25 and 34 were in reality significantly more liable to recruit her (30 percent) than respondents more than 54 (15.3 percent). More youthful recruiting administrators were additionally bound to depict the more seasoned lady as expert and authority material two of the top characteristics employing supervisors said were the most significant when assessing up-and-comers. That information stalled as follows:Hiring experts between 25-34 who said the more established applicant was:Professional: 63.4%Leadership Material: 41%Hiring experts more than 54 who said the more established competitor was:Professional: 61.5%Leadership Material: 23%Plus-sized women(Photo credit: AdobeStock/Marcin Sadlowski)Many hefty measured ladies (and ladies as a rule, truly) stress individuals will consequently pass judgment on them by their size. Shockingly, in the employing procedure, they frequently do.In our study, the heavier-set competitor (presented above) was bound to be named languid. More seasoned respondents were the harshest assessors of those matured 54 or more established, 23 percent depicted her as languid and just 7.7 percent said she was administration material. In examination, 21.7 percent of 25-multi year olds said she was apathetic and 18.9 percent portrayed her as a leader.Younger recruiting experts were additionally bound to employ the larger estimated lady. Just 7.7 percent of the most established respondents would employ her, however 17.2 percent of the most youthful would.Tattooed women(Photo credit: AdobeStock/Rawpixel.com)Traditionally, individuals consider ladies to be tattoos as being amateurish. Be that as it may, that is gradually evolving. Recruiting supervisors are discovering that somebody can have obvious tattoos and still be a dedicated, good employee.For occurrence, 53.8 percent of respondents who were 54 or more established depicted our inked applicant as amateurish. For that segment, she positioned No. 1 for being amateurish. Be that as it may, just 37.5 percent of 25-multi year olds said she was unprofessional.Visible tattoos likewise influenced this up-and-comers hireability with the more established employing chiefs subset. Just 7.7 percent of these respondents would think about giving her the activity, while very nearly 33% of the most youthful recruiting directors would.What this implies for womenAre ladies despite everything confronting inclinations during the employing procedure that depend on their appearances? Truly. Its deplorable, however since more youthful employing experts are all the more tolerating of a bigger assortment of womens appearances, positive changes are coming. As these experts proceed to age and hold all the more recruiting positions, the working environment will ideally turn out to be increasingly comprehensive and worth individuals for their genuine benefits, not their looks.As for the time being, there are still things ladies can accomplish to work around existing employing inclinations. For instance, more seasoned ladies shouldnt falter to apply at best in class new businesses. Recruiting experts at these organizations may really be bound to enlist you than those at a set up enterprise. Also, when more seasoned recruiting chiefs start to see that theyre accepting less candidates, maybe theyll become increasingly liberal or in any case hazard passing up extraordinary ability.